Geofencing Attendance - A Revolutionary Workforce Solution

Geofencing Attendance - A Revolutionary Workforce Solution

Every work counts, every penny counts! Some employees perform their duties and enter and exit the office on time. While some make proxy attendance and receive their salary on time as honest employees, who, in turn, feel cheated knowing the same. Organisations, on the other hand, incur lots of costs without getting the desired productivity. 

Proxy attendance is made by employees taking the punch of their colleagues while exiting the office gate at inappropriate times to venture out. Even when they come back, they persuade their colleagues to punch on their behalf. No work, no productivity! Attendance as usual. Sad, but true for many organisations. 

Geofencing attendance comes as a revolutionary workforce solution helping organisations know their employee attendance accurately. It thus ensures cost optimisation, boosts employee motivation and increased productivity.

Let’s Check more about geofencing attendance below. 

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing involves using a location-based service when someone enters or exits a specified location. The premise of this technology is built on an observation of users moving from one place to another and then stopping at that place for some time. This method integrates awareness of the user’s current location and the awareness of his/her proximity to locations that may be of interest. As a result, an alert will come to the user’s as well as the geofence operator’s device. The info containing the device location could come to mobile or email accounts.

Geofencing Attendance Overview 

Geofencing technology is an emerging method to calculate attendance and work hours accurately. It’s like helping businesses fence the location to track employees’ attendance accurately and easily. The GPS-based geofencing attendance system helps relieve the burden off HR professionals by notifying them about employees within the geofence or out of that geofence location.

How Does Geofencing Attendance Help?

Geofencing helps record employee attendance for a specified event to avoid any discrepancy concerning the same. Sometimes celebrations happen like an annual function or a cricket match outside of the office premises. So, tracking employees’ presence becomes tricky in the absence of advanced technology. Thanks to geofencing attendance software, all that can be administered easily and effectively. It serves as an effective alternative to biometric systems by letting organisations geofence the office area. As a result, employees can mark attendance using their mobile app only when entering the office premises.

Benefits of Geofence-based Attendance System

The geofence-based attendance system helps organisations with the following benefits - 

No Error

While most people might believe that the geofencing attendance system is fraught with errors, in reality, it does not offer any scope for errors when operated correctly. The system integrates IP validation and live photo capturing with geofencing to achieve 100% accuracy in tracking employee attendance. However, do choose the best geofencing attendance and time management system for 100% accuracy.

Maximises HR Efficiency

The fact that a geofence-based attendance system helps HR professionals know the attendance of on-field employees and those working in remote locations, they can get to know performers and underperformers. It only clears out the confusion that might surround employee attendance.

Improved Employee Productivity

The problem with traditional attendance systems is that employees can show attendance even without working. Geofencing systems, on the other hand, monitor the employees’ attendance all the time. As a result, employees remain proactive and productive by becoming more accountable and punctual, leading to a healthy work atmosphere.

Prevents Proxy Attendance 

The biggest advantage of having geofencing attendance is the prevention of proxy attendance wherein an employee asks his/her colleagues to punch on his/her behalf in biometrics. They do this when they want to venture out of the office while being recorded present at that time. Proxy attendance is a dampener for everyone - honest employees, HRs and companies. 


Geofencing attendance has certainly created a revolution in the workforce ecosystem. Its ability to record the accurate attendance of employees has been a saviour for enterprises having faced losses on account of manual attendance systems. As a business enterprise, you can always contact WorCo, an all-in-one office management suite for geofence attendance systems, live location tracking, expense management, leave management and other workforce solutions.