How Employee Tracking Apps Help Businesses Grow

How Employee Tracking Apps Help Businesses Grow
Indian companies have started to adopt technology to enhance efficiency in their operations. Among them, employee tracking applications have garnered much attention due to technological advancements. These applications generally enable businesses to track employee location and different facets related to job performance, which have thus become great tools for managing human capital for business productivity. Now let’s take a closer look at how these solutions are reshaping the Indian business environment.

Employee tracking applications have become the new normal in India due to the country’s digital growth.

In a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global workforce management market, which encompasses employee tracking solutions, is envisaged to rise from about 583.49 billion in 2020 to ₹824.19 billion by 2025 while the growth in the Asia Pacific region will be the highest among all the regions. This trend is especially noticeable in the Indian subcontinent, which is witnessing growing adoption of these technologies by companies across different industries.

Key Benefits of Employee Tracking Apps

Improved Productivity

Employee tracking applications enable the management to monitor the activities of the employees, and this gives real-time information to help eliminate bottlenecks in the employees’ work. Using specific information about the performance of employees and their geographical position, Indian companies will be able to increase productivity.

Enhanced Remote Work Management

Due to the recent adoption and prevalence of remote and hybrid work arrangements, especially with the onset of COVID-19, location tracking has emerged as a valuable consideration. With the help of employee tracking apps, the employer can control the productivity of the remote employees, and their working hours and also can maintain the team spirit regardless of geographical location.

Optimised Resource Allocation

Employer monitoring apps make it easier to track the time and resources spent by employees to take appropriate actions. It helps plan out the tasks and distributions of manpower better, resulting in improved productivity at lower costs and better project results.

Improved Time Management

The loss of working hours in many ways may prove to be a significant detriment to the profitability of a firm. These problems can be solved through accurate tracking of time through tracking apps alone to solve employee-related issues affecting business.

Enhanced Safety and Compliance

Some industries may require tracking the location of their employees particularly where the business venture entails conducting research on the site or where the organisation has specific policies on the welfare of the employees. Tracking applications may prove vital when it comes to safeguarding employees given that it notifies the management of their exact location, thus swiftly attending to their needs.

Data-Driven Decision Making

The various data collected using the applications employed in monitoring the employees helps the businesses in decision-making. These include performance appraisals, staffing, and talent management, to name but a few. Data insights allow managers to prevent problems and make long-term improvement strategies. The research carried out by PwC revealed that organisations that employ data in their operations are three times more likely to enhance the quality of their decision-making as compared to organisations with no data in place.

Increased Accountability and Transparency

By implementing employee tracking applications, businesses have a chance to support the aspects of responsibility and openness in companies. If the employees are aware that some of their activities are being monitored, they are likely to behave appropriately and produce quality work. Altogether, this increase in accountability may lead to the improvement of the general organisational performance and working environment.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of employee tracking applications are numerous, it's important for Indian businesses to address potential challenges:

Privacy Concerns

Some of the workers may feel that they are under probation and they are always watched without them agreeing or even knowing it. Businesses should be more transparent where tracking actions are concerned and adhere to the regulations for protecting data.

Employee Trust

Almost all firms are actively working on the introduction of tracking systems for employees, but the communication here is often poor, which results in the absence of trust. This means that organisations have the responsibility of sensitising their employees on changes and taking them through every step of change.

Data Security

Since different types of cybercrimes continue to emerge, it is crucial to protect the data that is collected. Employer/employee data can be very sensitive depending on the organisation; hence the need to employ a proper security system for such information.

Balancing Monitoring and Autonomy

Low morale and creativity are likely to happen when the employer is over-monitoring the employees’ activities. It is indeed very crucial to ensure that there is supervision of these employees without imprisoning their freedom.

Future of Employee Tracking in India

We have noticed that tracking applications are becoming progressively significant in Indian businesses. Currently, firms are moving forward and adapting to various work environments, this shows that the importance of employee tracking applications will keep growing. Besides, the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning into these apps will generate better and more durable analysis and forecasts, benefiting business processes and outcomes.

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