WorCo - Helping Businesses Succeed with Geofencing Attendance, Expense Management, Task Management & More

WorCo - Helping Businesses Succeed with Geofencing Attendance, Expense Management, Task Management & More

Businesses today need to be efficient! Time is precious, and managing employees can be tough. But what if there was something to make things easier? WorCo App is the tool to ensure so! WorCo is like a one-stop shop for managing your employees. It comes with different types of tools to help you. 

1. Simplify Attendance Tracking with Geofencing

Forget paper time sheets and people clocking in for each other! This employee attendance management system uses GPS to track where employees are and automatically marks them as present or absent.

Here's How It Works

The Impact of Geofence Radius

Geofence radius is drawn when the organisation’s address is added during employee onboarding. This ensures precise employee tracking.

Phone Knows When You Cross the Line

When employees enter or leave the area, their phone (with their permission) tells the system whether they are there or not.

See Who's Working and When

You can easily see who is working and when on a computer. No more wondering! This saves time, avoids mistakes, and gives you information to help you improve how things are done at your business.

2. Effortless Expense Management

WorCo makes expense reports a breeze for both employees and businesses!

Saves Time for Everyone

WorCo automatically sorts the expenses into categories, saving time for both employees and the company. No more manual sorting or confusion about where things go.

See Your Spending Clearly

WorCo gives you a clear picture of where your money is going at all times. This helps you stay within your budget and avoid massive outflow.

Stay on Budget

By making expense reports easier and giving you better insights into spending, the expense tracking app helps businesses stay within their budget.

In short, WorCo makes expense reports faster, easier, and more accurate for everyone involved. This saves time and money and helps businesses stay financially healthy.

3. Efficient Task Management

WorCo is like a super assistant for your team, helping them stay organised and get things done! Here's how:


WorCo ensures tasks are geotagged. This means workers delivering tasks will need to be present in that location for precise task measurement.

Easy Teamwork

The task management tool lets your team talk to each other and assign tasks within the app. This makes working together and staying accountable much easier.

Focus on What Matters

By keeping everyone organised and on track, WorCo helps your team focus on their priorities and finish projects on time.

4. Enhanced Productivity with Live Tracking

WorCo offers an extra feature called "live tracking" for businesses that want to know exactly where their employees are all the time. This can help organisations in some ways.

Assign Tasks Smarter

Since you know where everyone is, you can give tasks to the employee closest to the job. This saves time and makes sure things get done efficiently.

Keep Everyone Safe

For businesses with employees who work alone or in dangerous places, live tracking can be a safety feature. You can see if someone needs help right away. It's important to note that live tracking is optional, so you don't have to use it if your business doesn't need it.

Benefits Beyond Features

WorCo isn't just about features, it can actually make your work life easier in a few ways:

Less Paperwork

It automates things like tracking who works when and how much they spend on work stuff. This frees up your team's time to focus on more important things.

Better Decisions

WorCo collects data about your employees' work. This data can help you make smarter decisions about how your business runs, like how to improve workflows and grow the company.

Clear Communication: WorCo helps everyone see what's going on. This can help build trust and make your team work better together. In short, this revolutionary app goes beyond features to make your work life easier and your business stronger.


WorCo isn't just a computer program, it's like a teammate that helps your business grow. It makes things easier by simplifying tasks, improves communication between everyone, and gives you useful information about your employees. This frees you up to focus on what matters: making your business successful!

Ready to see how WorCo can transform your workforce management? Contact us today for a free demo!