WorCo Terms & Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions were last updated on 14/12/2023. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using Our WorCo Service.

1. Interpretation and Definitions

i. Interpretation

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

ii. Definitions

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:

  • Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.
  • Terms and Conditions (also referred as "Terms") mean these Terms and Conditions that form the entire
    agreement between You and the WorCo regarding the use of the Service. This Terms and Conditions Agreement was generated by TermsFeed Terms and Conditions Generator.
  • You mean the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
  • 2. Acknowledgment

    These are the Terms and Conditions governing the use of this Service and the agreement that operates between You and the WorCo. These Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of all users regarding the use of the WorCo Service.

    Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the WorCo Service.

    By accessing or using the WorCo Service You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If You disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions then You may not access the WorCo Service.

    You represent that you are over the age of 18. The Company does not permit those under 18 to use the Service.

    ur access to and use of the WorCo Service is also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your personal information when You use the Application and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.

    3. User Accounts

    When You create an account with Us, You must provide Us information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of Your account on Our Service.

    You are responsible for safeguarding the password that You use to access the Service and for any activities or actions under Your password, whether Your password is with Our Service or a Third-Party Social Media Service.

    You agree not to disclose Your password to any third party. You must notify Us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of Your account.

    You may not use as a username the name of another person or entity or that is not lawfully available for use, a name or trademark that is subject to any rights of another person or entity other than You without appropriate authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene.


    i. Your Right to Post Task

    Task Posting Responsibility:

  • Users have the right to create and publish tasks within the WorCo app.
  • Posted tasks must align with the app's intended use and be accurate and
  • Task Guidelines:

  • Tasks must adhere to guidelines outlined by the WorCo app.
  • Prohibited content includes violations of laws, infringement of rights, or misleading information.
  • Task Management Authority:

  • WorCo reserves the right to moderate, edit tasks violating terms or guidelines.
  • Users might be notified or given a chance to rectify non-compliant tasks before removal.
  • User Ownership and Task Visibility:

  • Users retain ownership of posted tasks but acknowledge that WorCo may use task content for app-related purposes while respecting user privacy.
  • Tasks must genuinely represent their intended purpose, preventing misrepresentation, spam, or inappropriate content.
  • Compliance Responsibility:

  • Users are accountable for ensuring task postings comply with local laws and regulations.
  • WorCo is not liable for legal consequences due to non-compliant task postings.
  • Task Duration and Visibility Control:

  • Tasks may have set durations or remain active until fulfilled or removed by the user or WorCo.
  • Users can control task visibility, choosing to make them public or accessible to specific groups.
  • ii. Content Restrictions

    Prohibited Content :

    • Illegal Activities
      • Users are prohibited from posting content that promotes or engages in illegal activities, including but not limited to:
      • Unlawful behavior, hate speech, violence, or criminal acts.
      • Any activity that violates local, national, or international laws.
    • Infringement
      • Users must not post content that infringes upon intellectual property rights, including:
      • Copyrighted material without proper authorization or attribution.
      • Trademarks or proprietary information without permission.

    Inappropriate Content

    • Offensive Material
      • Content that is obscene, vulgar, discriminatory, or offensive in nature is strictly prohibited.
      • Any form of harassment, defamation, or explicit content is not allowed.
    • Misleading Information
      • Users must refrain from posting misleading or false information that could deceive or harm others.
      • False advertising, deceptive claims, or misinformation is not permitted.

    Spam and Malicious Content

    • Spamming Activities
      • Users are not allowed to engage in spamming activities, including:
      • Sending unsolicited messages, advertisements, or repetitive content.
    • Malware or Harmful Content
      • Posting content that contains viruses, malware, or any harmful elements that could damage the app or users' devices is strictly prohibited.

    Compliance and User Responsibility

  • Users are responsible for ensuring that any content they post complies with these content restrictions.
  • WorCo reserves the right to remove or edit content that violates these restrictions without prior notice.
  • 5. Content Backups

    WorCo implements content backup procedures to ensure the retention and security of user-generated data, encompassing tasks, messages, and other content within the app. While WorCo undertakes regular backup measures to safeguard user content, users are encouraged to maintain their own backups for added protection. It's important to note that despite these efforts,

    WorCo cannot guarantee the complete restoration of lost or deleted content in all situations. Users retain the ability to modify or remove their posted content, but WorCo reserves the right to archive, remove, or delete content that violates app terms or guidelines, even if backed up. As a user, it's essential to understand that WorCo shall not be liable for any loss or damage to user-generated content, even if the app stores or backs up such data.

    Users acknowledge and agree that while backup procedures are in place, complete content restoration cannot be guaranteed under all circumstances.

    7. Termination Clause


    Termination by WorCo:

    Discretionary Termination: WorCo reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the App at any time and for any reason. This includes but is not limited to a violation of these Terms and Conditions, unlawful or unethical use of the App, or any activity that may harm, disrupt, or compromise the integrity of the App or its users.

    Modification of Service: WorCo may modify or discontinue the service, or any part thereof, with or without notice.

    i. Termination by User:

    Voluntary Termination: Users may terminate their access to the App at any time by discontinuing use and uninstalling the application.

    i. Effect of Termination:

    User Data: Upon termination, WorCo may retain user data as outlined in the Privacy Policy.

    Liability: Termination does not relieve users of any obligations or liabilities accrued prior to termination.

    i. Notice of Termination:

    Communication: WorCo may provide notice of termination via the App, email, or other means of communication. Users are encouraged to check communication channels for any notices regarding termination.

    i.Validity period of services:

    Service Duration: The validity period of the service is as specified in the applicable pricing plan or subscription terms. Users are entitled to use the service during this period.

    Important Considerations

    Discretionary Termination: The clause allows WorCo to terminate a user's access at its discretion, providing flexibility to respond to various situations that may warrant termination.

    Modification of Service: This highlights that WorCo has the right to make changes to or discontinue the service, and users should be aware of this possibility.

    Effect of Termination: Clarifies the fate of user data and any accrued obligations or liabilities after termination.

    Notice of Termination: Establishes the communication channels through which WorCo may notify users of termination.

    8. Scope of services

    Description of services :
    WorCo provides comprehensive workplace management solutions, including but not limited to task management, expense tracking, meeting coordination, and attendance monitoring. The app is designed to streamline daily operations, enhance team collaboration, and optimize productivity in various industries. With features like efficient task delegation, seamless expense oversight, and insightful team overviews, WorCo transforms the user experience, ensuring workplace excellence across diverse sectors.

    User Responsibilities :
    Users are responsible for utilizing WorCo's services in compliance with applicable laws and ethical standards. Responsibilities may include adhering to community guidelines, ensuring the lawful use of the platform, and maintaining ethical conduct in all interactions. Users are expected to contribute to a positive and collaborative environment, fostering a workplace culture that aligns with WorCo's values and guidelines.

    Services Limitation :
    While WorCo strives to offer a reliable and efficient service, users acknowledge that the App may be subject to occasional system downtimes, scheduled maintenance periods, or dependencies on third-party services. These factors are inherent in technology platforms and may impact the continuous availability of WorCo's services. Users are encouraged to stay informed about updates and announcements regarding any potential limitations to ensure a smooth experience with the platform.

    Changes to services :
    WorCo reserves the right to modify or enhance the services provided, including the addition or removal of features, at its discretion. Users will be notified of significant changes via Emails as per the "Changes to Terms and Conditions" clause.

    Services Availability :
    WorCo aims to ensure continuous availability of the services. However, there may be instances where access to the App is temporarily suspended for maintenance or other reasons. Such instances will be communicated to users in advance whenever possible.

    Important Considerations:

    Clear Description: Clearly articulate the main services offered by WorCo, ensuring users understand the purpose and functionality of the application.

    User Responsibilities: Clearly outline any responsibilities or obligations users have in connection with using the services. This could include compliance with rules, laws, or ethical considerations.

    Service Limitations: Be transparent about any potential limitations or challenges users may encounter while using the App.

    Changes to Services: Inform users that the nature of the services may evolve over time, and they will be kept informed of significant changes.

    Service Availability: Set expectations regarding the availability of the services, including any planned maintenance or downtime.

    9. Validity Period of Service

    Service Duration:
    The validity period of the service is determined by the terms specified in the applicable pricing plan or subscription agreement. Users will have access to WorCo's services for the duration of their active subscription.

    Subscription Renewal:
    For subscription-based services, WorCo may offer automatic renewal options. Users will be notified in advance of any upcoming renewals, and the renewal will be processed according to the pricing plan in effect at the time of renewal.

    Termination or Expiry:
    The service will automatically terminate upon the expiry of the validity period or the conclusion of any applicable subscription term, unless renewed by the user. Users will lose access to the App and its features upon termination.

    Modification of Validity Period:
    WorCo reserves the right to modify the validity period of the service, including changes to subscription durations, with prior notice to users.

    Important Considerations:

    Transparent Service Duration: Clearly specify the duration of the service based on the pricing plan or subscription agreement. This helps users understand the timeframe during which they can enjoy WorCo's services.
    Subscription Renewal: If applicable, inform users about the automatic renewal process and provide details on how they can manage or cancel automatic renewals. This ensures transparency and allows users to make informed decisions.
    Termination or Expiry: Clearly state the conditions under which the service will terminate, whether it's due to the natural expiry of the validity period or the conclusion of a subscription term.
    Modification of Validity Period: Notify users that Worco reserves the right to make changes to the validity period, emphasizing that users will be informed in advance of any modifications.

    10. Pricing Plan

    The "Pricing Plan" section in the terms and conditions of WorCo provides users with information about the cost associated with using the application's services. This section outlines the various pricing options, payment terms, and any related conditions that users need to be aware of before subscribing or purchasing the services. Here's an example explanation:

    Payment Terms:
    Users agree to pay the specified fees associated with their chosen subscription plan. Payment terms, including billing cycles and accepted payment methods, are outlined during the subscription process. Automatic Renewal:
    Some subscription plans may include automatic renewal. Users will be notified in advance of any upcoming renewals, and the renewal will be processed according to the pricing plan in effect at the time of renewal. Fee Changes:
    WorCo reserves the right to modify fees for subscription plans with prior notice. Users will be informed of any fee changes, and they can choose to accept the new fees or cancel their subscription before the changes take effect.
    Unless explicitly stated otherwise, fees paid for WorCo services are non-refundable. Users are encouraged to review the features and terms of each subscription plan carefully before making a purchase. Taxes:
    Users are responsible for any applicable taxes associated with the use of WorCo services. The total fees presented during the subscription process may not include taxes, and the final amount may vary based on the user's location and applicable tax laws.

    Important Considerations:

    Transparent Subscription Plans:
    Clearly outline the available subscription plans, including their features, pricing, and duration. This helps users make informed decisions about the level of service they wish to subscribe to.
    Payment Terms and Automatic Renewal:

    Clearly communicate the payment terms, billing cycles, and details about automatic renewal if applicable. Users should be aware of how and when they will be charged for the services.
    Fee Changes and Refunds:

    Inform users about the possibility of fee changes and the refund policy. This helps manage user expectations and provides transparency about any changes to the cost of services.
    Tax Responsibilities:

    Clearly state the user's responsibility for any taxes associated with the use of WorCo's services. This ensures users are aware of the complete financial implications of their subscription.


    Please ensure that the payment is made on or before the due date to avoid interruption of service. For any queries related to this invoice, please contact [email protected]

    11. Confidentiality

    Definition of Confidential Information:
    "Confidential Information" refers to any non-public information, data, or materials provided by WorCo or accessed through the use of the App that is not publicly available. This includes, but is not limited to, proprietary algorithms, business strategies, and user data.
    User Obligations: Users agree to keep all Confidential Information confidential and not to disclose, reproduce, distribute, or use such information for any purpose other than the intended use of the App.
    Exceptions: The obligations of confidentiality do not apply to information that is or becomes publicly available through no fault of the user, or if the user can demonstrate that such information was independently developed without reference to WorCo Confidential Information.
    Duration of Confidentiality: The obligations of confidentiality continue to apply even after the termination of the user's access to the App.
    Data Security: Users are responsible for taking appropriate measures to secure and protect any Confidential Information stored or processed through the App, including using secure passwords and complying with WorCo's security guidelines.

    Important Considerations:

    Clear Definition: Clearly define what constitutes Confidential Information to avoid any ambiguity about the type of information covered by this clause.
    User Obligations: Clearly articulate the user's responsibilities regarding the handling of Confidential Information, emphasizing that users are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, or using such information for unauthorized purposes.
    Exceptions: Specify any exceptions to the obligations of confidentiality, such as information that becomes publicly available or is independently developed by the user.
    Duration of Confidentiality: Clarify that the obligations of confidentiality extend beyond the termination of the user's access to the App, highlighting the ongoing nature of this commitment.
    Data Security: Emphasize the importance of user responsibility in ensuring the security of Confidential Information, including adherence to security guidelines and the use of secure practices.

    12. Responsibility of Customer

    Lawful and Ethical Use:
    Customers are obligated to use WorCo services in a lawful and ethical manner. This includes compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing their use of the application.
    Responsible Conduct: Customers are expected to engage in responsible conduct while using the App. This entails refraining from any activity that may harm, disrupt, or compromise the integrity of WorCo's services or the experience of other users.
    Account Security: Customers are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their account information, including usernames and passwords. Any activity that occurs under their account is their responsibility.
    Compliance with Community Guidelines: Customers must comply with any community guidelines or rules established by WorCo for the use of its services. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the termination of access to the App.
    Lawful Content: Customers are responsible for ensuring that any content they submit or share on the App complies with applicable laws and regulations. WorCo does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of user-generated content.

    Important Considerations:

    Legal and Ethical Use: Clearly state that customers must use WorCo's services in accordance with the law and ethical standards to create a safe and compliant environment.
    Responsible Conduct: Emphasize the importance of responsible conduct to maintain the integrity of the WorCo platform and ensure a positive experience for all users.
    Account Security: Reinforce the responsibility of customers to keep their account information secure to prevent unauthorized access and use.
    Community Guidelines: Reference any specific community guidelines or rules that customers must follow to foster a respectful and inclusive user community.
    Content Compliance: Highlight that customers are accountable for the content they generate and share, ensuring it complies with relevant laws and regulations.

    13. Contact Information

    If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:

    By visiting this page on our website: worco.in
    By sending us an email: [email protected]